John Dickerson

John Dickerson is co-anchor of "CBS Evening News" and anchor of "CBS Evening News Plus." He is also a Contributing Writer to The Atlantic and is co-host of the Slate Political Gabfest.

  • 12/07/2023: Is enforced loyalty a good recipe for achievement?


    You: What is the historical record of operations founded on loyalty where the person to whom everyone must show loyalty has a record of almost no reciprocal loyalty?

    The historical record of operations or regimes founded on loyalty to a central figure who does not reciprocate that loyalty is marked by instability and often, eventual collapse or transformation. The lack of reciprocal loyalty often leads to disillusionment and disenchantment among the loyal subjects or followers, which can undermine the authority of the central figure.

    Historical examples include various autocratic rulers who demanded unwavering loyalty from their subjects but were notorious for purging even their most loyal supporters on suspicions of disloyalty or to consolidate power. For instance, Joseph Stalin’s reign in the Soviet Union was characterized by the requirement of absolute loyalty to his person, yet he frequently engaged in purges of the Communist Party and the military, removing those who were deemed untrustworthy or too powerful, regardless of their previous loyalty to him.

    Similarly, in feudal societies, lords demanded loyalty from their vassals, but their support might not be guaranteed; a lord could easily replace vassals or fail to support them in times of need, leading to frequent shifts in alliances and power dynamics.

    In the context of modern corporate operations or political campaigns, a leader who does not show loyalty to their team members may find it difficult to maintain a cohesive and motivated group, often leading to high turnover, leaks, and a toxic culture. The lack of trust and support can be detrimental to the effectiveness and longevity of the operation.

    Ultimately, operations founded on one-sided loyalty often face significant challenges, as reciprocal loyalty is a key component in building and maintaining trust, cohesion, and stability. Without it, the foundation is likely to erode over time, leading to potential rebellion, turnover, or systemic change.

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