John Dickerson

John Dickerson is a CBS senior national correspondent and Chief Political Analyst. He is also a Contributing Writer to The Atlantic and is co-host of the Slate Political Gabfest.

  • 03/21/2023: How Imprint helps me beat the morning and makes the day richer

    For those of you who have read my Atlantic essay on recapturing my day, you know about my daily fight to beat the morning. I have found an extremely useful tool: The Imprint app.

    ImageI have developped a pretty good routine for keeeping focus while at my desk (thank you Calk Neport, Marshall Goldsmith, David Allen, Stphen Covey and James Clear).

    The challenge is the in-between times, when I’m waiting in line, riding in a cab, etc.

    The snack times.

    That’s when I turn to Twitter. The result is rarely pleasant. (I am not a snob about this; I think social media as an outlet of noticing is vital).

    Snacking creates a habit. Then it creates a need. I subconsciously want to snack. So I employed a trick I outlined in the Atlantic piece.

    When I want to go to Twitter or Instagram I open the Imprint app.

    The Imprint app offers extremely useful lessons about things you care about (deep work, philosophy, relationships etc.). It is engaging, not attention poking.

    When I close the app I am better than when I started. It is like anti-Twitter.

    I recommend it highly. I am deeply grateful for the people (none of whom I know) who created it. Needless to say, this is not a paid endorsement.

    I hope you find it has the same benefit for you.


  • More Notions

  • 07/13/2024: Asking ChatGPT for ways to engage in conversation.

    Is this the right way to write this query? Q: Someone is making a point to me with which I disagree, but I might be wrong and miss a chance to learn something. They are members of the human race, so I owe them grace and no motive-questioning at the start, but I don’t want […]
  • 06/29/2024: When Reagan had a bad first debate

    Look at these headlines: “Reagan Falters in Debate With Mondale” – The New York Times “Reagan Shows Signs of Weariness in First Debate” – The Washington Post “President’s Debate Stumbles Raise Questions on Age” – The Los Angeles Times “Reagan’s Sluggish Debate Performance Worries Supporters” – Chicago Tribune “Debate Performance Fuels Age Concerns” – The […]
  • 06/04/2024: When a person has been convicted by a jury, what do you refer to them as?

    I asked Claude AI: After a person has been convicted by a jury in a criminal trial, they are referred to as a “convicted criminal” or simply a “convict.” More specific terms may include: Convicted felon – if the crime they were convicted of was a felony offense. Convicted misdemeanant – if the crime they […]
  • 01/08/2024: How he drinks his coffee

    A small pleasure: one of my children and I are working together at the dining room table. We’re both writing. It’s hard for both of us, but we’re typing, so we’re both on the right road. I realize after a bit that I am witness to his writing tics. I have them. Lots of them. […]
  • 01/04/2024: A piece on the personal quality of restraint from 2015 that never ran

    I wrote it for Slate and was just reminded of it. This is a very rough draft. I wish it had run: On a recent Saturday, I listened to the audiobook of The Marshmallow Test while doing chores. In the famous experiment, children were given a choice between candy they could eat immediately, and a larger reward […]
  • 12/07/2023: Is enforced loyalty a good recipe for achievement?

    You: What is the historical record of operations founded on loyalty where the person to whom everyone must show loyalty has a record of almost no reciprocal loyalty? ChatGPT: The historical record of operations or regimes founded on loyalty to a central figure who does not reciprocate that loyalty is marked by instability and often, […]
  • 12/05/2023: I asked Chat GPT to offer guidance to lawmakers offering their endorsement

    You: Pretend I am a lawmaker and I have taken an oath to defend the constitution, how should I decide whether to endorse a candidate for president who will take an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. ChatGPT: In your role as a lawmaker who has taken an oath to defend the Constitution, […]
  • 12/05/2023: Hello! I see you sent me a text message!

    Hello! I see you’ve sent me a text! Is it urgent? If so, please call me. If not, please send me an email, that way I won’t think that in this world of constant interruption where we must have our guard double ready against mindless incursions, that you value my time so cheaply and yours […]
  • 12/02/2023: Discovering the photography of Saul Leiter

    Social media is a scourge, obviously. But I have been trying to respond to the negative effects of social media (cortisol-driving, attention-shredding, ego poking) with long-looking. Long-looking is the practice of spending a lot longer on an idea, piece of art, song, etc. than you normally would so that it give up additional meanings. If […]
  • 11/13/2023: What good is criticism

    I like this idea of criticism. (Colors are from my note taking).  It’s from an essay by Morgan Meis that can be found here. “Criticism does not stand outside the work of art, but stands alongside, maybe even inside, the work of art, participating in the work in order to further express and tease out […]